Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finding Homework Structure

One of my parents loves the fact that I refer that homework should become exactly like going to the bathroom. The child shouldn't have to think about it too much. The sooner they know what the structure is then the more work they will get done.

Most children need structure to achieve. Even the most defiant child needs the structure of knowing what is the time to be defiant? If they know homework is at 6:00 then it is game on.

Here is a suggested structure to bring peace and harmony into any house.

1. Use the structure of school to your advantage. Most teachers will give homework on a Monday with a due date of Friday. Let this be your baseline structure. Monday evening have your child explain to you what work is on their plate. Don't jump right into doing the homework. Let them talk about how they see the assignments.

2. Identify what they "think" is the hardest work. Example your child feels writing the report is the hardest thing. That is the work you do with them on Monday night. Get that out of the way. Just yesterday in a session a child thought something would take hours, but we got it done in 10 minutes. Not only did we get it done, but he clearly saw that his head isn't always telling him the truth.

3. Then delegate the rest back to them. Once you help them with the hard part then they are on their own to finish the work. Encourage them to do a little bit more on Monday night. Check their work, but don't do the work.

4. Change the deadline. Explain that the school may want their homework on Friday, but in your house it is due on Thursday. If a child is doing homework on Thursday night then something is wrong. This guideline will let them know homework is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday is your catch all day. This way nothing falls through the cracks.

These simple changes will reduce stress and create a winning environment. For more tips come to a "2 Hours 2 Sanity" parent homework workshop. If you can't make the time schedule a private one in your home. For those outside of Los Angeles you can order a private SKYPE session. Call today (310) 492-3121.